The MaTroS program (Мacrozoobenthos Trophic Structure) is a handy tool for the calculation of the Index of Trophic Completeness (ITC). The index is a useful metric in aquatic ecosystem health assessments based on macroinvertebrates (Pavluk et al. 2000; Bij de Vaate & Pavluk 2004). The tool offered has a friendly interface with simple algorithm of the index calculation.
MaTroS is the open Internet source. All your data calculated are protected with a username and password but are also visible and free accessible for worldwide scientists if you give them permission.
In order to get access to the program just mail me your wish to use the MaTroS and I will send you your log-in account. Let benthic animals tell us the truth about environmental quality!!!!!!
Good luck,
Timur Pavluk